Interested in enrolling in a Nutritional Therapy Association program?

I have had numerous questions about my Nutritional Therapy Practitioner curriculum through Nutritional Therapy Association. Speaking about this school always lights me up and I get so excited as it gains more interest every day!

This list is an ongoing compilation of questions I have been frequently asked and information that I’d have felt was useful while I was looking in to the curriculum.

Why did I choose the Nutritional Therapy Practitioner curriculum over Nutritional Therapy Consultant?

In my opinion, these programs are both fabulous. I personally chose the Nutritional Therapy Practitioner program to learn the hands on portion. Though I don’t currently use it in my practice, I do not regret the extra investment for this. The experiences I had in my in-person workshops were part of what got me even more excited about nutrition, health and wellness. The hands-on evaluation was mind blowing to see in action and I also really appreciated getting to know my class mates in person during our three workshop weekends.

For more information regarding the difference between the two programs, check out the links below:



Are you NANP board certified?

I have not pursued my board certification yet at this time. NTA’s curriculum also grants you access to sit for the NANP board certification to be “board certified in holistic nutrition” and use the credentials BCHN. The president of the board is also an NTA grad. Though it may not help the situation in some of the more restrictive states, I think that it’s great to add to the credentials and is another plus in my books toward the NTA and it’s curriculum. It also allows you to get a professional account with Standard Process (a good quality supplement company), which mostly only allows licensed professionals to obtain accounts.


Why did you choose Nutritional Therapy Association (NTA) over Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN)?*

From what I understand, IIN is not a bad program. NTA was definitely more aligned with what I personally wanted. My understanding is that IIN covers health coaching and business more in depth than NTA, but personally I prefer that NTA did NOT teach that information. NTA does go in to great depth regarding the function of the body and how it interacts with food. It provides the tools and knowledge needed to be able to therapeutically and bio-individually support a client’s body through nutrition.

Personally, I am very appreciative of the limited business and coaching information provided by NTA for several reasons. There is a ridiculous amount of free health coaching and business building information on the internet. There are extremely resourceful Facebook groups, podcasts, books, websites, and other tools available at our fingertips. The NTA taught me information I needed to know about the function of the body and how it interacts with food. By not teaching as much about the coaching or business aspect, I was motivated to do more research and find information that resonated with me and what I wanted to build with my Nutritional Therapy Practitioner certification. In my opinion, it gave me more of an opportunity to find my  niche in an area other than health coaching and I was able to figure out what I wanted to do on my own rather than have a program train me how. Just like nutrition is bio-individual, so is owning a business. I feel that by having to search for information on my own, I found so much more than I’d have looked for had I been taught more about it in my NTA training.

NTA does now offer a business class to graduates at an additional cost. You can find more information about this on the NTA website.

*Because I have not taken the IIN curriculum, I am limited in my knowledge of it’s program. The information above is solely based on my personal understandings from research and others’ opinions, some of which have personally taken the IIN program.


Additional Information

  • Nutritional Therapy association has a Nutritional Therapy 101, which is a high level 7-day “course” that goes over the foundations of health. It’ll give you a super high level overview of NTA’s approach.


  • Want some legal advice from a health coach attorney who knows her stuff?
    • I highly recommend Lisa Fraley. She is a legal coach and an attorney and a fantastic resource for health coaches and other similar businesses. She offers one-on-one coaching and has many do-it-yourself legal templates for various needs, such as a disclaimer, client agreement, refund policy, privacy policy, terms of use, etc. Her podcast is also wonderful, and easy to understand!
    • DIY legal templates:


Resourceful Facebook Groups

  • Health Coach Peer Support
  • Badass Business Babes (great for business owners of all types)
  • Also, there are several private Facebook groups for NTA grads once you graduate the program. These are an incredible resource and a great way to connect with fellow grads!

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