Existing Clients



New Clients

Hi there, new client! I’m so happy you’re here! This form will help me understand a bit more about you, which helps me make sure that my skills match your goals and preferences. Please fill this out prior to calling or emailing me directly.

Before filling out this form, please note:


Same-day appointments are not available for new clients.

Office days: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays

Appointment times: 9:30am, 11:30am & 2:15pm
(may vary by 15-30 minutes)

Closed: Wednesdays, Saturdays & Sundays

*If you're seeking therapeutic bodywork or prenatal massage, click that box to view my recommended massage therapists and establishments
*If you're seeking very firm or deep pressure, click that box to view my recommended massage therapists and establishments

Super brief version of the policies, before you get scheduled:

For new clients, a 50% deposit is required to secure your appointment time.

Need to modify your appointment? You may cancel or modify your appointment without charge anytime 48 hours preceding the start time of your appointment.

-Less than 48 hours notice, for any reason (i.e. illness, emergencies, car trouble, etc.), is considered a "Late Cancellation" and will result in a charge up to 100% of the scheduled service(s), this includes rescheduling with less than 48 hours notice. The good news: I honor my policy in reverse.

When you schedule online, the booking software incorrectly states 24 hrs. I am unable to change this default in the system.

Revitalize Your Roots does not accept insurance, but does accept most HSA cards and can provide a general receipt of payment.

Thank you for filling out this form! If you've made it this far, please click Submit below to be redirected to the online scheduler.

Please note: This form is not the client intake form. It is a tool to help you and I make sure that my skills match your personal massage goals and preferences! After scheduling online, you will receive an electronic intake form to fill out prior to your appointment.